How to use prettyping

Prettyping is a wrapper that simplifies working with the ping command line tool, thanks to a nicer, easier to read output. Ping is one of the oldest and also most commonly used utilities for network testing and troubleshooting. However, it’s not easy to integrate due to its output. 

Ping Output

What ping does (sending ICMP echo requests and measuring latency by reading the ICMP reply) is very simple and hasn’t changed since ping was first introduced. Consequently, the output of the ping utility hasn’t changed either in a long long time. And for good reasons I believe. There might be slight variations in the ping output among different OS’s, but if you used ping 20 years ago, and you use it today you should see the output formatted exactly the same way:

netbeez$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=55 time=25.697 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=32.927 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=22.650 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=22.359 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=23.026 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 22.359/25.332/32.927/3.979 ms

Once you terminate the ping process with Ctrl+C you see a summary of the statistics on the bottom.


In most cases the regular ping output is all you need. For example, if you are trying to see if a host is reachable or what is the latency to a host, you are probably perfectly content.

For something more advanced though, such as getting a distribution of the latency, or getting a visual representation of the latency over a period of time, you’d have to use a spreadsheet or write a script that does parses and processes ping’s output.

If you have tried to do this, as you can imagine, you are not the first one. There are several ping wrappers out there, and here we’ll talk about prettyping.


Prettyping is a bash script that parses the output of the ping that you are already familiar with, and “prettyfies” its output. To install, all you have to do, is download, and execute it, as follows:

netbeez$ curl --output
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 23396  100 23396    0     0   187k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  187k
netbeez$ chmod +x 

If you want you can move to a directory found in the $SOURCES 

On MaOS you can install it with:

brew intall prettyping

Now you are ready to enjoy the pretty version of ping.

Prettyping supports all ping flags, and it also has a number of options that you can see with:

netbeez$ ./ --help 
Usage: [prettyping parameters] <standard ping parameters>

This script is a wrapper around the system's "ping" tool. It will substitute
each ping response line by a colored character, giving a very compact overview
of the ping responses.

prettyping parameters:
  --[no]color      Enable/disable color output. (default: enabled)
  --[no]multicolor Enable/disable multi-color unicode output. Has no effect if
                     either color or unicode is disabled. (default: enabled)
  --[no]unicode    Enable/disable unicode characters. (default: enabled)
  --[no]legend     Enable/disable the latency legend. (default: enabled)
  --[no]terminal   Force the output designed to a terminal. (default: auto)
  --last <n>       Use the last "n" pings at the statistics line. (default: 60)
  --columns <n>    Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions.
  --lines <n>      Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions.
  --rttmin <n>     Minimum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto)
  --rttmax <n>     Maximum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto)
  --awkbin <exec>  Override the awk interpreter. (default: awk)
  --pingbin <exec> Override the ping tool. (default: ping)
  -6               Shortcut for: --pingbin ping6

ping parameters handled by prettyping:
  -a  Audible ping is not implemented yet.
  -f  Flood mode is not allowed in prettyping.
  -q  Quiet output is not allowed in prettyping.
  -R  Record route mode is not allowed in prettyping.
  -v  Verbose output seems to be the default mode in ping.

All other parameters are passed directly to ping.


Here is how the output looks like when pinging in the 

Linux prettypingAs you may notice, prettyping keeps running until we hitCtrl+Cand in a few lines it represents the output of 342 ping tests. The regular ping would need around 342 lines for the same output!

In addition, prettyping splits the latency in buckets (gray, green, red) and shows  the latency distribution.

On the first line after the distribution graph, it shows the failed tests over the total number of packets sent, the minimum, average, and maximum latency value, and the latency of the last ping tests performed.

The second line after the distribution graph, shows the same data as the first line, but now the statistics are calculated over the last minute.

The lost packets are displayed with a question mark for the ones that got lost.

The statistics are calculated in real-time.

Although the output of ping hasn’t changed in decades probably, utilities such as prettyping give a fresh look. All in all, it’s pretty straightforward to install and use.

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