I am happy to announce that NetBeez is one of the official sponsors of the Networking Field Day 9 event. The event will take place in Silicon Valley in February, from the 11th to the 13th. Our slot is on Thursday, February the 12th from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM PST. The event will be streamed live on the homepage of Tech Field Day, so be sure to mark it on your calendar. If you have an important meeting at that time, don’t despair – the presentation will be recorded and can be watched on the Tech Field Day YouTube and Vimeo channels.
What are Network Field Day and Tech Field Day?
Networking Field Day is one of the four events offered by Tech Field Day. You can also find Storage Field Day, Wireless Field Day, and Virtualization Field Day. Each event is based on the category of products that are presented by the sponsors at that specific event.
For those who are not familiar with Tech Field Day, it’s a series of recurring technical events where vendors present their products to independent thought leaders called delegates. The nice thing is that these sessions are very interactive; the delegates are bloggers, industry experts, practitioners, and they always ask deep technical questions. There are also Tech Field Day events hosted at major trade shows I’m sure you’re familiar with, like Interop, CiscoLive, and VMWare World.
Why has NetBeez decided to participate in #NFD9?
First of all, for us at NetBeez, participating at NFD is a milestone, and we are all very excited for this opportunity. Personally, as a recovering network engineer who is now on the other side of the fence, Networking Field Day is a great opportunity to present NetBeez to peers who are very well prepared to evaluate the solution. It does not surprise me to discover that eight out of the thirteen delegates are CCIE, so that’s a pretty good crowd. I expect to be asked very challenging questions as one of the NFD9 delegates, Lindsay Hill, has already done so in his recent blog post. Oh, and you want to know something funny? We also have amongst the delegates a real beekeeper … let’s see if we can impress him with our BEEZ!
What can you expect from NetBeez at #NFD9?
I am sure that many of you are familiar with our distributed network monitoring solution. Many of you have had one-on-one demo sessions with us and have already had the chance to learn about the features and benefits of NetBeez. Still, the nice thing about NFD9 is that this is the best place where you can discover the nuts and bolts of our product. On top of that, we have decided to announce a new feature that many of our customers have been anticipating for a long time. Can you guess what? Hold your breath, and tune your browser to the live show on February the 12th, because it will be announced during the demo session.
I hope Brandon Carroll will forgive me for blatantly stealing and rearranging the title from a recent blog post he wrote.