How to Use the NetBeez API to Display Top 10 Agents with Alerts

Another use case for the NetBeez API

I previously wrote a blog post about using the NetBeez API to retrieve ping results. In that example, I show you how you can use the API to gather network latency and packet loss data between one source agent and a destination network or application. That example is useful to prove whether or not the network is impacting the end-user experience with network services or applications.

In this article, I’ll give you another example of how to use the NetBeez API to gather network performance metrics. Here, I will guide you through the procedure to print the top 10 network agents that have triggered the largest number of alerts in the last 24 hours. What is a network agent? An agent can be a dedicated hardware or software appliance deployed on-prem at a remote branch, or a software endpoint that runs on a user’s desktop or laptop (find more information here). This example can be used to identify the network locations or remote users (e.g. WFH employees) that have experienced the highest number of network performance issues.

Working with the NetBeez API

If you’re interested in testing the following code yourself, please review the API get started section of the article that I previously referenced. There you can find all the steps required to set up the necessary variables to make REST API requests to a BeezKeeper instance.

More documentation about the NetBeez API can be found here: and for the legacy API which will eventually be fully replaced by the one just mentioned:

List the top 10 agents with the most alerts.

Let’s first see how we can retrieve all the alerts triggered by the NetBeez agents during the past 24 hours. We’ll then group alerts per agent and count them. After that, we’ll sort them and pick the top 10 agents with the largest number of alerts. Lastly, we enrich the data with the agent names by fetching them through some extra API calls. Let’s get started …

First let’s set the timestamps from and to. In this case I pick from 2021-07-05 to 2021-07-06 …

In [13]:
import time
import datetime
to_ts = int(time.time() * 1000)
from_ts = to_ts - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)

print(f"From: {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(from_ts/1000.0)}")
print(f"To:   {datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(to_ts/1000.0)}")

From: 2021-07-05 03:18:19.669000
To:   2021-07-06 03:18:19.669000

We then retrieve the alerts using the /n_alerts.jsonb legacy api from swagger.

In [14]:
url = f"{base_url}/nb_alerts.json?from={from_ts}&to={to_ts}"
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=legacy_api_headers, verify=False)
df = pd.json_normalize(response.json(), 'current_alerts')

          id                      message  severity       alert_ts     state  \
0     2129150            Agent back online         6  1625541338616  reported   
1     2129149            Agent Unreachable         1  1625541248614  reported   
2     2129148                Alert cleared         6  1625541110464  reported   
3     2129147                     Time out         1  1625541010260  reported   
4     2129146                Alert cleared         6  1625540955837  reported   
...       ...                          ...       ...            ...       ...   
1093  2128056                Alert cleared         6  1625455447521  reported   
1094  2128054                     Time out         1  1625455328266  reported   
1095  2128055  Traceroute max hops reached         1  1625455305708  reported   
1096  2128053                Alert cleared         6  1625455258985  reported   
1097  2128052                Alert cleared         6  1625455213040  reported   

      alert_detector_instance_id                created_at  \
0                          30937  2021-07-06T03:15:38.000Z   
1                          30937  2021-07-06T03:14:08.000Z   
2                          34566  2021-07-06T03:11:54.000Z   
3                          34566  2021-07-06T03:10:17.000Z   
4                          34538  2021-07-06T03:09:17.000Z   
...                          ...                       ...   
1093                       34538  2021-07-05T03:24:12.000Z   
1094                       34538  2021-07-05T03:22:15.000Z   
1095                       34568  2021-07-05T03:22:41.000Z   
1096                       34566  2021-07-05T03:21:02.000Z   
1097                       34538  2021-07-05T03:20:14.000Z   

                    updated_at  opening_nb_alert_id     closed_ts  ...  \
0     2021-07-06T03:15:38.000Z            2129149.0           NaN  ...   
1     2021-07-06T03:14:08.000Z                  NaN           NaN  ...   
2     2021-07-06T03:11:54.000Z            2129147.0           NaN  ...   
3     2021-07-06T03:11:54.000Z                  NaN  1.625541e+12  ...   
4     2021-07-06T03:09:17.000Z            2129144.0           NaN  ...   
...                        ...                  ...           ...  ...   
1093  2021-07-05T03:28:15.000Z            2128054.0  1.625456e+12  ...   
1094  2021-07-05T03:24:12.000Z                  NaN  1.625455e+12  ...   
1095  2021-07-05T03:26:27.000Z                  NaN  1.625456e+12  ...   
1096  2021-07-05T03:26:59.000Z            2128045.0  1.625456e+12  ...   
1097  2021-07-05T03:22:15.000Z            2128051.0  1.625455e+12  ...   

     target_display_name source_id  source_type opening_alert_severity  \
0                   None       283        Agent                    1.0   
1                   None       283        Agent                    NaN   
2       1688253       NbTest                    1.0   
3       1688253       NbTest                    NaN   
4       1688218       NbTest                    1.0   
...                  ...       ...          ...                    ...   
1093    1688218       NbTest                    1.0   
1094    1688218       NbTest                    NaN   
1095    1688255       NbTest                    NaN   
1096    1688253       NbTest                    1.0   
1097    1688218       NbTest                    1.0   

      source_agent_id  nb_target_display_name source_test_target  \
0                 NaN                     NaN                NaN   
1                 NaN                     NaN                NaN   
2               300.0                   Baidu   
3               300.0                   Baidu   
4               249.0                   Baidu   
...               ...                     ...                ...   
1093            249.0                   Baidu   
1094            249.0                   Baidu   
1095            300.0                   Baidu   
1096            300.0                   Baidu   
1097            249.0                   Baidu   

     source_test_type_id  source_nb_target_id  source_nb_test_template_id  
0                    NaN                  NaN                         NaN  
1                    NaN                  NaN                         NaN  
2                    1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
3                    1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
4                    1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
...                  ...                  ...                         ...  
1093                 1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
1094                 1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
1095                 4.0                463.0                      2076.0  
1096                 1.0                463.0                      2074.0  
1097                 1.0                463.0                      2074.0  

[1098 rows x 21 columns]

Then we filter out only the alerts with severity less than 5 (failure alerts have severity 1, and warning alerts have severity 4. When an alert is cleared that event is marked with severity 6). Then count the alerts per agent, and then get the top 10. Please notice that here the agents are referenced by their ID (source_agent_id).

In [15]:
opening_alerts = df[df['severity'] < 5]
count_per_agent = opening_alerts[['source_agent_id', 'severity']].groupby(['source_agent_id']).count()
count_per_agent = count_per_agent.rename(columns={'severity':'count'})
count_per_agent.index = pd.to_numeric(count_per_agent.index, downcast='integer')
top_10 = count_per_agent.nlargest(10, columns='count')

249                211
300                203
54                  19
270                  2
279                  2
319                  2
329                  2
341                  2
280                  1
297                  1

To convert the agent IDs to agent names we then retrieve the agent objects one by one and extract the name strings from those objects.

In [16]:
agent_names = []
for agent_id in top_10.index:
    url = f"{base_url}/agents/{agent_id}.json"
    response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=legacy_api_headers, verify=False)
print("Done loading names")

Finally, we prepare the data for plotting.

In [17]:
to_plot = pd.DataFrame(index=agent_names, data=top_10.values, columns=['Alert Count'])

                           Alert Count
San Jose                            211
San Jose - WiFi                     203
Cloud - Google                       19
Container - AWS                       2
Pittsburgh - Wired 2                  2
Pittsburgh - SmartSFP                 2
DESKTOP-S87JLNG                       2
Pittsburgh - Virtual Agent            2
Pittsburgh - Wired                    1
Pittsburgh - WiFi Main                1

In [18]:



I hope this article provided another good example on how to use the NetBeez API to identify users or network locations that are experiencing more issues than others.  The code contained herein is available as a Jupyter Notebook on the NetBeez GitHub account and for a live instance of the notebook, you can check out the nb-api binder link. 

Lastly, are there other examples that you want me to share when using the NetBeez API? Just drop a note in the comments section!

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